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Do You Have to Pay to Sell on Amazon?

Published on Aug. 17, 2016

Last updated on Feb. 26, 2020
1 min read

Question: Does it cost money to sell on Amazon?

Answer: Only if you successfully sell something or sign up for a Professional account.

When Does It Cost Money to Sell on Amazon?

It depends on the selling plan you choose when you sign up.

If you choose an Individual account, you won’t have to pay a dime to list an item for sale. Once somebody buys it, Amazon will collect its fees before paying you.

Choosing a Professional account means you need to pay both a monthly fee and whenever you successfully sell something. However, you’ll pay less for every sale, so it’s a good choice if you sell a lot (at least 41 items per month).

How Much Do You Have to Pay to Sell on Amazon?

Figuring out exactly how much it will cost to sell on Amazon can be a real challenge. The basic rule of thumb is that it will cost a third of what you charge the customer. For more details and a quick lesson in Amazon selling, see “How to Sell on Amazon for Beginners.”

How Does Amazon Compare to eBay?

Business Competition

The benefits of selling on Amazon are many. Among others, Amazon:

  • Is the largest marketplace on the Web, putting you in front of more potential customers than any other.
  • Has relatively wealthy users, allowing you to charge higher prices than on other websites.
  • Is very easy to list on, since you don’t have to create your own listing for each item.

Sound good to you? Then learn how to start selling on Amazon and you could soon have a lucrative hobby or even your own business!

Amazon isn’t for everybody, though. Many sellers prefer eBay. Why?

  • Lower fees.
  • Lower competition.
  • More freedom in creating listings.

Check out the advantages of eBay or go straight to our lesson on selling on eBay for beginners.

Should I Try Selling on Amazon?

We strongly recommend it—we’ve made very good money selling on Amazon ourselves! If you want to give it a try, start with the basics of Amazon selling or see our more advanced lesson, “How to Make Money Selling on Amazon.”